Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition = 1200 pages + 30h video:
Efficient and Effective Treatment of a Wide Range of Common Diseases based on DrV's Functional Inflammology Protocol (video)
and Expert-level medical-clinical integration (video)
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Introduction to Dr Alex Vasquez, "Dr V"
Dr Vasquez is an internationally recognized author, presenter, and teacher. He earned 3 doctorate degrees from fully-accredited universities in the United States and has worked in various clinical settings ranging from private boutique clinics to inpatient hospital settings. Dr Vasquez has published ~120 books, articles, letters and Editorials in various magazines and peer-reviewed medical journals, including British Medical Journal, Journal of the American Medical Association, Nature Reviews Rheumatology, and Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

When "diet and lifestyle" are not enough
Sure, we can say that "healthy diet and lifestyle" should be the foundation of any plan, but most patients with complex disorders need more than these simple interventions. Many diseases are influenced by diet and lifestyle, but that does not mean that they are cured by diet and lifestyle; in other words: people can and should optimize diet and lifestyle, but they will commonly need more intervention. Click here to see Dr Vasquez's published articles on the "Supplemented Paleo-Mediterranian Diet" and a video introduction to the Functional Inflammology Protocol.
Peer-reviewed journal editing, writing, coauthoring
Graduate education, administration, program design
Continuing Medical Education (CME)
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Consulting: Individual patients
Consulting: Nutritional supplement industry, product design and review